
UPDATES③ Pascal Pinon Japan tour @ GUGGENHEIM HOUSE

3月30日(土)Pascal Pinon live@旧グッゲンハイム邸

アイスランドの姉妹デュオPascal Pinonのジャパンツアーにお誘いいただきました。

LGGは久しぶりの3人編成。グッゲンハイムの雰囲気に合わせた選曲で、以前ibuki氏のソロライブでも歌ったBjorkのHyper Ballad も歌いました。グッゲンハイムのクラシックかつ落ち着いた雰囲気のおかげか、すごく気持ちよく歌うことができました。

photo by Elephant

その他の出演者、ice cream shout、girls pancakes、DJ陣(Kengo/yoko/Bob)、キノ・イグルーさんの映像作品もすごく良くて、個人的にも思いっきり楽しんでしまいました。

もちろん、メインのPascal Pinonも素晴らしく、アコースティックギターを中心にしたシンプルな音と、どこか儚げでピュアな歌声にただただうっとり。まるで春の木漏れ日を思わせるような空間に、ほっこり心が癒されました。まだ10代の彼女たち、ライブの合間にポツポツと囁くように話している様子がすごく愛らしかったです。

3/30 Pascal Pinon Japan tour @ GUGGENHEIM HOUSE
We played for the show of Pascal Pinon who are sister duo from Iceland. I felt really grateful for this opportunity, because we'd play on same stage with overseas artist for the first time and GUGGENHEIM  was I always wanted to go for long time. LGG were just three of us for this time. I also sang cover of Bjork's Hyper Ballad. Thanks to cozy and  classic atmosphere of the place, I enjoyed singing very much. I'd like to thank people watched our stage. I also enjoyed other players's show as well, ice cream shout, girls pancakes, DJs(Kengo/yoko/Bob), KINO IGULU. Pascal Pinon were wonderful. Their acoustic sounds and fragile, pure voice were so beautiful together. It made me feel like I was surround by sunlight filtering through trees. They were only in their teens and it was adorable that they talked like whispering during the show.

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