
Take This Waltz

海外の映画サイトで最新映画情報をチェックするのが好きなのですが、最近特に楽しみなのが「Take This Waltz」という映画。http://www.takethiswaltz.com/







I love searching for upcoming movies on overseas movie site. And what I'm looking forward to see is "Take This Waltz". This is directed by Sarah Polley who is known as an actress famous for leading role in "My life Without Me" and this is her second film as a director. The cast of this film are Michelle Williams, Seth Rogen, Sarah Silverman. Michelle plays a leading role named Margot. She has a good life with her sweet husband, but one day she meets handsome artist Daniel and she's falling for him deeply. Maybe it sounds like some cheesy melodrama. But as seen from this trailer, it shows that her complex feelings between two men in comedic, cute and romantic way. I also love this visually, you can feel the sun shining in midsummer and it uses vivid colors for interiors and clothes effectively. I'm totally falling in love with the all colorful vintage-like outfits Michelle wears.Seeing those pics and trailer makes me miss summer so much and get emotional with bittersweet and sentimental feelings.Take This Waltz will release in August in Japan and I just can't wait.

Upcoming show : Violens Japan tour



Violens 「Der Microarc」





 Violens Japan Tour 2012

5月25日(金曜日) @ Urbanguild 京都
(W / Les Glass Glacé,[.que])  
開場 : 19:00 / 開演 : 19:30 
前売 : 3,500円 / 当日 : 4,000円(※ドリンク別) チケット予約:Urbanguild 075-212-1125

We'll play as an opening act for Violens (three-piece guitar-pop band based in Brooklyn) Japan tour at Kyoto on Friday in this week. They've just released their new album [True] in US( which has already released in Japan). In contrast to a kind of dark band name "violence" and their really cool appearance, it has dreamy guitar-pop sound. I also love clear vocal which has also melancholy mood. On SPIN, you can stream their album and also read their comments about each songs. I also enjoyed the interview on Monchicon. You can get interesting facts about their music style and music influences. Now I'm so excited to see their show ! We'll be on the stage around 8pm. We're gonna play new songs! and we're working on very hard right now. I am also looking forward to see [.que] 's show. He's just released new album "sigh". You can listen some tracks from the album here and I feel so relaxed when I hear warm electric sounds. Anyway, only 5days left until the show. Feeling excited and nervous, all we gotta do is rehearsal and we hope that as many people as possible will enjoy it. 


UPDATES③ Pascal Pinon Japan tour @ GUGGENHEIM HOUSE

3月30日(土)Pascal Pinon live@旧グッゲンハイム邸

アイスランドの姉妹デュオPascal Pinonのジャパンツアーにお誘いいただきました。

LGGは久しぶりの3人編成。グッゲンハイムの雰囲気に合わせた選曲で、以前ibuki氏のソロライブでも歌ったBjorkのHyper Ballad も歌いました。グッゲンハイムのクラシックかつ落ち着いた雰囲気のおかげか、すごく気持ちよく歌うことができました。

photo by Elephant

その他の出演者、ice cream shout、girls pancakes、DJ陣(Kengo/yoko/Bob)、キノ・イグルーさんの映像作品もすごく良くて、個人的にも思いっきり楽しんでしまいました。

もちろん、メインのPascal Pinonも素晴らしく、アコースティックギターを中心にしたシンプルな音と、どこか儚げでピュアな歌声にただただうっとり。まるで春の木漏れ日を思わせるような空間に、ほっこり心が癒されました。まだ10代の彼女たち、ライブの合間にポツポツと囁くように話している様子がすごく愛らしかったです。

3/30 Pascal Pinon Japan tour @ GUGGENHEIM HOUSE
We played for the show of Pascal Pinon who are sister duo from Iceland. I felt really grateful for this opportunity, because we'd play on same stage with overseas artist for the first time and GUGGENHEIM  was I always wanted to go for long time. LGG were just three of us for this time. I also sang cover of Bjork's Hyper Ballad. Thanks to cozy and  classic atmosphere of the place, I enjoyed singing very much. I'd like to thank people watched our stage. I also enjoyed other players's show as well, ice cream shout, girls pancakes, DJs(Kengo/yoko/Bob), KINO IGULU. Pascal Pinon were wonderful. Their acoustic sounds and fragile, pure voice were so beautiful together. It made me feel like I was surround by sunlight filtering through trees. They were only in their teens and it was adorable that they talked like whispering during the show.

UPDATES② Trip to Sydney

3月22日〜26日 オーストラリア・シドニー旅行

人生初のビジネスクラスのフライト! 快適すぎてもっと乗っていたかったくらい。




3/22〜26 Trip to Sydney
I won the prize for free Sydney trip of a certain Airline company. I was so excited about my very first business class flight!  It was so comfortable and I wanted stay much longer. I don't think I would go  economy ever again... Sydney was a big city but not too busy. We had a lots of delicious foods and sweets. Most memorable moment was watching a opera for the first time. It took place in special stage build on harbor and a program was [La Traviata].  I was so moved by great, powerful voice and musical performance and there were fire works during the play!. It was a opening night so that I enjoyed waching everyone dressed up in their tuxedos and gown. People were mostly middle-aged and elderly but sometimes people who looked gorgeous like models on fashion magazine caught on my eye. That was short stay but I had wonderful time in Sydney.

UPDATES①Twinkle Twinkle Release Party @chikaikkai


3月3日(土) Twinkle Twinkle Release Party @地下一階

大阪が誇るガールズインディーバンドTwinkle Twinkleのリリースパーティに参加させていただきました。
Twinkle Twinkleのライブはパワフルでポップでハッピー。ナナちゃん(vo)とユカリちゃん(dr)がキラキラと輝いていて、なんだか女の子に生まれて良かった〜と元気になれる、ひな祭りに相応しいライブでした。

素敵なPHOTOは、Twinkle Twinkleのアルバムジャケットも手がけたyoukoさんからいただきました。こちらにイベントの素敵なフォトが!http://youko816.exblog.jp/page/10/

It's been more than 2 months since I updated last time.
Here are some fun events in past two months.

3/3(sat)  Twinkle Twinkle Release Party
We played for Osaka-based girls indie band Twinkle Twinkle's Release Party. Twinkle Twinkle's show was amazing!  I loved their powerful, pop and happy performance. Nana (vo) and Yukari (dr) were literally glowing on stage. As seeing their show, somehow I thought, "I'm soooo happy that I'm a girl! Our show was more like indie band, because of Maasa's drum. It was really fun. This photo was taken by Youko who also took cover photo of Twinkle Twinkle.