Les Glass Glacé(レ・グラース・グラッセ=略してLGG)は、堀江にあるお洋服やさん「la reine Reinette(ラ・レーヌ・レネット)のニューライン「LYS(リス)」のコレクションのオリジナルサウンドトラック制作のために始動した音楽プロジェクトです。
バンド名のLes Glass Glacéは「砂糖漬けのグラース家」という意味。
Nico Glass (vocal) Lily Glass(key) Sabina Glass(ba,Glo)
私がボーカルを担当しているNico Glass ニコ・グラースというわけです。
このブログでは、Les Glass Glacéの活動のことや、私が好きなもの、気になるものについて、自由気ままに綴っていけたらと思っています。
Les Glass Glacé is the music project which started as making the soundtrack for new collection of "LYS" (new clothing line of la reine Reinette).
Les Glass Glacé means "The Glass family, coating with suger "(maybe it doesn't make sense at all but we love the sound and image) ."The Glass family" came from the inspiration of some stories of JD Saringer novels such as "Nine stories" "Franny and Zooey". We named ourselves as member of the Glass family, Nico Glass (vocal),Lily Glass(key),Sabina Glass(ba,Glo). I'm Nico Glass. I sing and sometimes write lyrics. I'm 100% Japanese of course.
I had never had professional career as a singer, except one time I sang for the band when I was in high school.I thought it was a little crazy idea when Yuri ,the creator of LYS, asked me to sing for her new collection. But I took the offer anyway.I still think it's kind of surreal that person my age singing in the band! You can do anything you want to, even you think you're too old for that.
I had never had professional career as a singer, except one time I sang for the band when I was in high school.I thought it was a little crazy idea when Yuri ,the creator of LYS, asked me to sing for her new collection. But I took the offer anyway.I still think it's kind of surreal that person my age singing in the band! You can do anything you want to, even you think you're too old for that.
We had officially started making music since last summer. Since then, I've written lyrics, done some recordings and luckily done some gigs too! It's getting much more exciting than I've ever imagined at beginning.
On this blog, I'd like to share updates of my band and the things that I'm really into.
Hope everyone will enjoy.
FYI, I'm gonna try to write in English as much as I could for improving my English.
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